This is a journal of our road trip.
Thursday day 1 of our road trip started out getting up early to get thing loaded. Well not so fast we both of us were having a bad time with our allergies and having a hard time getting started and moving a little slow,the rag weed is off the chart here. Suck it up and move on.
On the road around 10am for the 100 mile destination and after a few stop and miss gps getting confused and a detour on hwy 24 we made it around 12pm.
This is one of the trails Miss I know it all in the box took us on (gps) to get to the camp ground.

With temps in the 100’s it was a very uncomfortable day.
Friday day 2 up early dogs woke me up to go out. Temps were not bad early in the morning took a bike ride around the camp ground to see what they had.

By noon we were looking at about 100 and just to hot to even sit outside in the shade with no breeze at all. We all went inside and this is how we spent the after noon we me beating Angela at.

I don’t think she would agree with that, but hey I write the blog!!
Even the dogs didn’t want to be outside.
Saturday day 3 up early again because the dogs wanting outside,they have a built in alarm clock set at 6 am. Need to find away to reset the alarm.
The camp ground filled up Friday after noon and evening,lots of dogs and kids. Drives our dogs crazy. We may leave here early and go home or find some place less crowed.
Rain started in the early evening and continued all night, It’s great to have a self contain motor home to cook and sleep in,felt sorry for the campers in their tents.
Sunday day 4 by now you know why I’m up at 6am yep you guessed it the hounds.
Woke to a wet and soggy morning, the one nice thing is a cold front came with it and is going to stay with us this week.
We decided that we were tired of the land scape here and it was time to move on. Thought we would head towards KC,needed to find a place to dump the tanks,so we headed to Watkins Mill State Park in hopes they might a open spot for the night. Pulled in around 2pm dumped tanks and looked for a open spot,found a real nice one vacant and moved in.

The temperature was nice and cool,we sat outside around a camp fire until late evening (10pm late for us) even Max and Annie enjoyed the fire.

Monday day 5 the 3 dog alarm went off a little late 6:45 need to get that fixed. Cool this morning turned on furnace to warm things up a little. We can’t make up our mind a/c or furnace that’s the thing about the Midwest if you don’t like the weather just wait a little bit and it will change.
Sitting here writing this and thinking and wishing I had not burned all the fire wood last night and could have had a fire this morning. Heard a loud crack and this fell out of the tree right next to the MH just missing it.

Your not allowed to gather or cut fire wood in any state park. Think this one’s going to be gathered and burned.They will sell you wood for $4 a bundle,burned 2 last night.
Broke camp around 10am and headed home. On our travels we took all back roads that we could and loved going thru the small town here’s a few things we saw along the way.

Goober's gas station Worlds largest pecan 12000 lbs
We had a good time and can’t wait to do it again.