Last night we had a cook out with some new friends we have met here at the pool. Had a great dinner then we all went for a swim it was a full moon out and the water felt great.
I was woke about 3 am with thunder and lighting, I had to get up and move my Dish Tail Gator because in was sitting in the ditch behind the 5th wheel and I figured with the rain it was going to fill up fast. Here are some before and after pictures of last night's rain.
Winter and better weather is coming we hope..
Saw some pictures on the news and heard that schools and roads were closed. Sure hope our rig doesn't float away. Stay safe.
I hope this lessen the drought.
Wow guy. They know what they said - That is some Canal.
Looks like your park turned to a marina overnight.
Yep, that's a lot of rain! I think our park will be looking something like that by tomorrow night. Been raining most of the day today and isn't suppose to stop until late tomorrow.
We were in Arizona when we had hurricane force winds for 2 days...not fun..We went from desert living to lake front property!!
Wow, your site became instant waterfront property!
We've been watching the news and the rain in Arizona has been amazing! I hope some of that water makes it to Lake Mead!
Canal St. takes on a whole new meaning in your photo. When they named it I'm sure they didn't mean the street was a canal!
Watching this on the news-stay safe:)
Quite a rainstorm, pictures are amazing.
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